Six Tips for People Recovering from COVID-19
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the road to recovery ranges from two to six weeks for COVID-19 patients. The rate of recovery largely depends on the severity of the disease.

For most individuals who contract COVID-19, the symptoms are mild, akin to a common cold or flu. But for others, especially those with underlying medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer, the symptoms can be life-threatening.
If you’re one of the 112.1 million people who tested positive for the virus and are currently recovering, it’s important to know how to take care of yourself for the next few weeks. From proper hydration to plenty of rest, we’re going over six tips to help you with a successful recovery.
Contact Your Primary Care Provider
First up, contact your doctor immediately. Let him or her know that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are being tested for it. Because your doctor knows your medical history, he or she should be able to offer individualized instructions for recovery.
Stay Hydrated
At this point, the medical community has largely done away with the 8x8 rule (eight 8-ounce cups of water a day). However, it’s critical to listen to your body. When you’re thirsty, get water.
If you have a hankering for a little flavor, sports drinks can be a good option (unless you have a condition that restricts sugar). Just remember, drinks like Powerade and Gatorade have a lot of sugar, and too much could lead to poorer sleep quality.
Caffeine and alcohol intake is not recommended. Not only can they cause dehydration, but they may impact your sleep.
Eat Right
Maybe you’ve heard the adage, “Feed a cold, starve a fever.” Well, as it turns out, this conventional wisdom may not be so wise. Research from Yale University suggests that when it comes to viral infections, we should follow our taste buds. While human-made sweeteners and added sugar can cause lowered immune function and inflammation, moderate sugar-intake from fruits and vegetables can actually be beneficial for battling viruses.
Monitor Your Symptoms
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include dry cough, fever, and sore throat. If you notice your symptoms getting worse and you’re developing “emergency warning signs,” contact your doctor immediately. These signs include, but are not limited to:
- Bluish lips or face
- Extreme fatigue
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Sustained fever of 101+ degree
- Trouble breathing
As you probably already know, COVID-19 is extremely contagious. For this reason, self-isolation is critical. When recovering from home:
- Avoid sharing items
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze
- Stay in a separate room
- Use a separate bathroom (if possible)
- Wash your hands frequently
- Wear a mask if you need to be around others
Research shows that COVID-19 is most contagious from day one to day five of symptoms, but can continue to be spread up to 10-12 days after onset if symptoms are severe. That said, the CDC states that, for most people, it’s safe to discontinue self-isolation after seven days.
Sleep In and Rest
Fatigue is one of the primary symptoms of COVID-19. At a minimum, you should be following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines for sleep:
If you’re exhausted, listen to your body. Typically you’ll need to increase the number of hours of sleep you get when you’re sick. If you’re having difficulty sleeping, try listening to relaxing music, guided meditations, or sleep noise. We encourage you to try a set of headphones that are specifically designed for sleeping, such as SleepPhones®.
While research is yet to come on the direct relationship between COVID-19 and sleep, studies have proven that good sleep hygiene is linked to better immune function. If fact, in one study, where participants were exposed to the rhinovirus, those who slept for seven hours or less were three times more likely to catch the common cold than those who slept for eight hours per night.
AcousticSheep LLC Resources and Products
We wish you a speedy recovery from COVID-19. If you’re interested in more COVID-19 resources, please visit:
- Doctor and Business Owner Answers Questions About Coronavirus: What You Should Do to Prepare
- Coronavirus Predictions and Business Impact: How Fast It Will Spread, Creating a Business Continuity Plan, and What You Should Stock Up On
- AcousticSheep LLC Response to COVID-19
A good night’s sleep is essential to a quick recovery. Browse our selection of SleepPhones® headphones and unlock the power of sleep sounds, relaxing music, and binaural beats.