Tips on Fighting Fatigue and Boosting Productivity

Balancing work, rest and play is rarely easy. Skimp on sleep tonight, and expect a lousy day at work tomorrow. Stretch your limits too thin, and risk losing energy for other activities. Spend too much time playing, and forget about sleeping soundly.
Balance takes effort. But where to start? This list provides you with that much-needed direction. Whether you're relaxing just before bedtime, fighting fatigue throughout the day, or preparing for a productive workout, we have several tips on how to maximize your efforts.
And who are we? AcousticSheep, LLC, creators of SleepPhones® headphones and RunPhones® headphones. We know how important sleep, relaxation and exercise are to living your fullest life. So, we have created headphones that are comfortable, versatile, and fun to use. If you're ever in need of motivation, just slip on our quality headphones, play the right music and be well on your way—to wellness!
Find our free downloadable MP3s here, and read the articles below for more helpful tips.
The Effects of Sleep on Levels of Productivity
Find out which health factors might be depriving you of sleep—before it leads to an unproductive day at work tomorrow.
Fighting the Fatigue Battle
Fighting fatigue does not have to be a full-out war. Use these 11 quick tips to boost your productivity today.
Get Up to Work Or Try to Relax in Bed? The Answer Might Surprise You
Trying hard to relax is doing you a disservice. And working hard when you should be sleeping is counterproductive. When all options fail, follow Dr. Wei-Shin Lai's advice on getting your sleep back.
How Sleep Affects Your Workout
Exercising without sleep does not always work out. Follow these tips to get better sleep. But if a bad night is inevitable, here are some ways to work through the fatigue.
How to Master the Power Nap
Boost productivity the right way! Put the power back into your power nap with these 5 helpful tips.
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Late Night Personal Time Is Turning Into a Sleep Disorder
Overworked? Don't take it out on your sleep—you'll only make it worse. Learn more about this sleep disorder and how to combat it with proper sleep hygiene.
How Much Sleep You Should Be Getting
The recommended 8 hours of sleep does not work for everybody. Here's how you can find your own personal sleep schedule.
Orthosomnia: Tracking Your Sleep Doesn't Always Lead to Better Shuteye
Worried about how much sleep you're getting? There's a name for that. Learn how tracking your sleep can be counterproductive to quality rest.
Twelve Ways to Conquer the Mid-Day Slump
12 Ways to Conquer the Mid-Day Slump Keeping your energy up after lunchtime sometimes seems to be an impossible feat. Don’t fall victim to your Mid-Day Slump by trying some of these 12 helpful tips.