Binaural Beats

How many benefits are there to listening to binaural beats? Plenty. Not only do they help people fall asleep faster, but they can also enhance dreams, encourage focus, and empower self-awareness.
But what even are binaural beats? The word binaural is formed by two units. The prefix bin-, which is just the prefix bi- but before a vowel, means "two" or "two together." The root word aural comes from the Latin word for "ear." So, binaural beats are sounds that engage both ears at once—albeit through different frequencies in each ear.
If you're curious how these beats produce anything from relaxation to concentration, read more at the lis below. And while you're at it, download our own collection of free tracks with binaural beats. They're best when combined with SleepPhones® headphones, the world's most comfortable headphones for sleeping, studying, and relaxation.
Understanding Binaural Beats and Their Benefits
What exactly is a binaural beat? Learn more about the phenomenon here.
Binaural Beats and Sleep
Sleeplessness results from inappropriate brain-wave activity. Learn more about how binaural beats help you adjust these frequencies.
Tune Your Brain to the Frequencies of Sleep
What are the different frequencies for sleep? And why are SleepPhones® headphones essential for brain wave entrancement? Meditation guru Russell Eric Dobda explains it all in this li.
Quit a Bad Habit With Binaural Beats
Binaural beats are not just for sleeping. Spiritual counselor Karen Newell describes all the various benefits and how to access her site's free audio.
What to Know About Brainwave Entrainment
What are isochronic beats, and how are they different from binaural beats? Learn more about each one here.
Two Powerful Types of Music to Help You Sleep
Listening to certain kinds of music can slow your heart rate just in time for sleep. Learn how binaural beats get the job done.
Research on Binaural Beats
Here we include just a few abstracts, or summaries, of studies that have researched binaural beats. Read and stay up on the research!