Our CEO/Cofounder won the Pennsylvania Entrepreneur ImPAct Award last week!

On May 23, Dr. Wei-Shin Lai, MD, CEO/Cofounder of AcousticSheep, makers of SleepPhones, won the Entrepreneur ImPAct Award at the 2013 Pennsylvania Governor's ImPAct Awards! The Entrepreneur ImPAct Award is given each year to an entrepreneur who has led their company to a position of strength in the marketplace via growth in creativity, innovation, managerial ability, leadership skills, and turnaround. You can learn more about the award here and here. AcousticSheep is listed under the Central Region.

Dr. Lai with the Entreneur ImPAct Award

Dr. Lai was nominated by the Penn State Small Business Development Center through Linda Feltman, our Small Business Adviser. This is just the latest thing she has done to help us. Over the years, she has been such a great help and always believed in us. We really, truly appreciate it!

We received some media mentions as well. The Team Pennsylvania Foundation web site had an article in their news section and Pennsylvania Business Central wrote an article about Dr. Lai and the award she won. Linda Feltman and Dr. Lai

Linda Feltman and Dr. Lai

You can see more pictures from the event at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151678714743760.1073741828.47824428759&type=1

We are both excited and honored to receive this award. It was quite a week and we wanted to share it with you!

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